@article{xxx, author={Koyo,Akuzawa and Yusuke,Kubota}, authortranslation={}, title={A Semantic Analysis of Finite Control in Japanese}, titletranslation={}, journal={Proceedings of Japanese/Korean Linguistics}, year={2019}, volume={26}, number={}, pages={}, month={}, publisher={}, note={}, key={control, finite control, japanese, de se attitude, responsibility, semantics, syntax}, issn={}, url={https://ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/004546}, doi={}, pages={}, abstract={This paper proposes a semantic analysis of the so-called 'finite control' in Japanese. We focus on control phenomena in verbs that take "koto"-marked clauses. The goal of the paper is to challenge the syntactic view of finite control (which takes the missing subject to be PRO) dominant in the literature of Japanese syntax, and to make a first step toward a semantic account of control in "koto"-clauses. Our analysis identifies a causal relation between two de se propositions involving the controller, one denoted by the embedded clause and the other implicit but inherent to the meaning of the higher verb, as the key underlying property inducing control. This leads to a picture in which many of the properties of control traditionally attributed to syntax fall out from the lexical meanings of control verbs. }, }