Accueil Lexicon > Frequency of some idioms in Japanese  >  足手まとい

Frequencies of idioms in japanese:足手まとい

The method of counting has been described in Blin R. (2015) and Blin 2012a (in english). The corpus used is corefjp.0.001.140402. Sagace version is 4.2. The corpus analyzer doesn't distinguish the idiomatic and the non-idiomatic occurrences of the phrases. Then some results below may be biased.



Blin R., 2015, Déterminer automatiquement le genre et le style d’expressions idiomatiques en japonais (Automatically determine the type and style of idioms in Japanese), Japon Pluriel, Piquier.

Blin R., 2012a, "Dictionnaire de Fréquence du japonais contemporain - 16 000 noms.

Blin R., 2012b, Automatic Addition of Genre Information in a Japanese Dictionary, pp.83-96, Acta Linguistica Asiatica.
